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Physics of Life

Toquinha and Jonas present posters at the Physics of Life conference in Harrogate (UK).

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Agent-based models in Cellular Systems

Jonas and Christian publish a mini-review about the current state of agent-based models with special emphasis on their usage in modeling cellular systems.

Agent-based models in Cellular Systems - Read More…

Dr. Anna Deneer defends her PHD Thesis

Dr. Anna Deneer defends her PHD thesis at Wageningen University.

Dr. Anna Deneer defends her PHD Thesis - Read More…

First study of CRISPR-Cas defense in individual cells shows remarkable variability

Specialists in single cell dynamics of research institute AMOLF together with CRISPR-Cas researchers of TU Delft were able to measure for the first time how quickly a single cell can build new memory and remove invading DNA using the CRISPR Cas system. Remarkably, they noted a large variability between individual cells in different populations. The results were published on April 25, 2022 in the open access scientific journal Molecular Systems Biology.

First study of CRISPR-Cas defense in individual cells shows remarkable variability - Read More…