Physics of Life
Toquinha and Jonas present posters at the Physics of Life conference in Harrogate (UK).
Agent-based models in Cellular Systems
Jonas and Christian publish a mini-review about the current state of agent-based models with special emphasis on their usage in modeling cellular systems.
Dr. Anna Deneer defends her PHD Thesis
Dr. Anna Deneer defends her PHD thesis at Wageningen University.
First study of CRISPR-Cas defense in individual cells shows remarkable variability
Specialists in single cell dynamics of research institute AMOLF together with CRISPR-Cas researchers of TU Delft were able to measure for the first time how quickly a single cell can build new memory and remove invading DNA using the CRISPR Cas system. Remarkably, they noted a large variability between individual cells in different populations. The results were published on April 25, 2022 in the open access scientific journal Molecular Systems Biology.